OuR LiTtLe FaMiLy

Sunday, January 18, 2009

wEeKeNd Of ReNoVaTiOnS

Well, I got myself a blog page set up. I have done the myspace stuff and Nikki told me about blogspot and to set one up, so here I am. Matt and I got a lot of renovations done on our house this weekend. We painted the bathroom, hallway, kitchen, all the bathroom shelving and trim, sanded and stained the bathroom door, closet and drawers in the hallway, put a new faucet in the bathroom, and now are completely exhausted. We looked at a house in Rigby this weekend and are meeting with a realtor on Tuesday about putting our house up for sale. Things are looking bright for us right now...so hope the sun keeps shining on us and things go our way. However, we do miss our boys very much and can't wait to get them back Tuesday morning.