OuR LiTtLe FaMiLy

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

OuR LiFe UpDaTe

Hi there everyone. Sorry it has been so many months since I have updated our blog. We have had a very busy summer with family reunion at the cabin, trip to Michigan, running here and there, trying to sell our house, working on our house, having 2 two year olds, Matt turning 30, trying to exercise and be healthy, trying to spend as much time as we can with the family, and I am going back to school online to get my Bachelor's in Healthcare Administration and working for surveying company along with selling MaryKay and Avon. So if anyone out there needs anything let me know so I can get it ordered for you.

Well, we still haven't got engaged, but I am hoping that one day he will finally pop the question!!! We had a great trip to Michigan with Matt meeting most of my family and not getting rid of me after he met them all:) lol...Me and the boys drove with my parents and lucky Matt got to fly. The boys were absolutely troopers the whole way there and wanted to get back in PaPa's truck every time we stopped. It was hilarious!!! The trip home did not go as well but we were still lucky with how good they were. I will try and get some new pictures posted.

Our boys are growing so big and talking so much. I wish that potty training was going a little better, but so many people have told me that boys are so much harder than girls and I truly believe it. We are getting ready for Tayven's 3rd Birthday. Tayven recently dislocated his elbow in his crib while sleeping because he likes his arms through the slots and so we had to go twin beds for them so it didn't happen again. They are doing very well with them so far...but they are just growing up too fast.